(network economies and) the emerging web of Chinese character dictionaries Rick Harbaugh Association of Asian Studies, 1998 rick.harbaugh@yale.edu


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Table of Contents

(network economies and) the emerging web of Chinese character dictionaries Rick Harbaugh Association of Asian Studies, 1998 rick.harbaugh@yale.edu

character-to-character interlinking

web-based Chinese character dictionaries

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

why on the web?

why interlink?

PPT Slide

network economies at work

decentralized, unlike model for Japanese online dictionaries

centralized vs. decentralized

how interlink?

“centralized” interlinking

web dictionaries and e-texts

the future: modularization?

the future: more specialization?

Author: harbaugh

Email: rick.harbaugh@yale.edu

Home Page: www.zhongwen.com/zi.htm